Ukrainian President Zelensky for 2022 Time Person of the Year

Signed: < 20
Donated: < $20

Support the petition "Ukrainian President Zelensky for 2022 Time Person of the Year":

100% of the donations will be spend on supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.). Every $1 in donations allows us to reach 200 individuals with the petition message and get more signatures.


In the unprovoked aggression again his free nation, Zelensky is standing for the very core values of not only his country, but all humankind. Let's show our support and recognize him as Person of the Year.


May 13, 2022


Time Magazine


Stacy Timashenko

Ukrainian President Zelensky for 2022 Time Person of the Year

"Person of the Year (called Man of the Year or Woman of the Year until 1999) is an annual issue of the United States news magazine and website Time featuring a person, a group, an idea, or an object that "for better or for worse... has done the most to influence the events of the year".

In the unprovoked aggression again his free nation, Zelensky is standing for the very core values of not only his country, but all humankind. Let's show our support and recognize him as Person of the Year.

We, the signers, ask TIME to award Volodymyr Zelensky the 2022 Person of the Year.

Support the petition "Ukrainian President Zelensky for 2022 Time Person of the Year":

100% of the donations will be spend on supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.). Every $1 in donations allows us to reach 200 individuals with the petition message and get more signatures.

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Petition Timeline

  • 2022 May 13
    Petition initiated

  • 2022 May 13
    2022 Aug 13
    Signatures collected