Terms Of Service

1. Writing petitions:

  • to create a petition, please send an email to info @ peticijos . lt
  • Petitions can be written by natural and legal persons, various groups of persons, informal and public organizations
  • all written topics are appropriate, as long as they do not contradict the rules of the page and the laws of the Republic of Lithuania
  • when writing a petition, select one of the categories: environment, economy and business, education, health, sport, government and politics, media, human rights or other
  • the person or organization that created it is responsible for the published petition and its content
  • when writing a petition, it is mandatory to fill in all the fields in Lithuanian, not to use offensive, offensive words or phrases. We recommend filling in the petition end date, after which signatures are not registered
  • In the section Description of the petition using arguments, try to provide as much information as possible about the petition being developed, you can use the available photos, videos, add a link to the relevant website or link (s) to other online sources.
  • saved petition will only be activated after receiving an email. you will confirm the email by clicking on the confirmation link and the administration will review and approve it

2. Approval of petitions:

  • saved petition will only be activated after your confirmation email. e-mail, and an administration check, after which you will receive an e-mail. confirmation letter
  • activated if the created petition does not contradict the first point of the rules
  • activated if the petition has only an addressee
  • activated if the petition is not intended to insult a person or does not disclose non-public information
  • Published petitions are public
  • it is forbidden to distribute links on suspicious websites or to encourage signing up for a fee
  • the author can supplement the activated petition with additional arguments by logging in to his profile

3. Removal and suspension of petitions:

  • a petition may be disapproved that contains information that could offend, hurt, belittle another person, disclose public information about a person or company.
  • if the information provided in the description of the petition contradicts the laws or legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • the petition may be withdrawn if there is a suspicion that the author has pursued fraudulent or illegal purposes in creating it.
  • The petition is disorderly written in a language other than Lithuanian.
  • if you make punctuation or grammar mistakes, the administration has the right to correct them, in case of a large number of mistakes the petition can be rejected
  • a person or organization must log in and turn off a petition in the profile section to remove petitions
  • signatures on petitions are suspended when the author specifies a period of validity (if any)
  • petitions not approved or rejected by petitioners are periodically removed

4. Submission of petitions

  • petitions are addressed to the relevant addressees by the petitioner, the organizations he represents or the author's representative
  • signatures may be used by the author only if the petition is addressed to the relevant addressees indicated in the petition
  • the use of signatures for purposes unrelated to the topic being developed is prohibited

5. Peticijos.lt rights:

  • maintain and maintain the website
  • contact petitioners for questions about their petition
  • contact visitors who have left their signatures for information on the progress of the petition or for additional questions about the signed petition
  • remove a person's signature from the author of the signature by contacting him or her from the e-mail. the mail in which he confirmed the signature. Each person can independently remove their signatures in the relevant petition
  • if necessary, contact the petitioners on issues related to the petition they have created
  • pending or rejected petitions are periodically removed
  • in case of repetitive and malicious activity against peticijos.lt website, we transmit the collected server information to epolicija.lt
  • if necessary, information on the petition or its progress may be sent to visitors who have left signatures
  • upon receipt of police inquiries, provide information about the petitioner or organization. It will also convey information about the person who wrote the comment
  • to the petitioner or visitor by e-mail. delete your personal profile and related information after sending the request by email

6. Rights and obligations of petitioners:

  • be familiar with the rules of this website and do not violate them when writing a petition
  • After activating the petition, you choose how to promote it or inform the public, but you must do so correctly and without damaging social networks, e-mail. rules for sending emails or other online portals
  • it is forbidden to change the subject or the essence of the description when editing or correcting the title and description of the petition
  • After logging in to his peticijos.lt account, the petitioner can save the collected signatures and comments (visitors' e-mail addresses are not transmitted) in a Microsoft Excel file.
  • the petitioner, having retained the signatures, may pass them on to the organization or person he represents, who may continue to provide them to the addressees concerned;
  • signatures may be used by the author or his representative only if the petition is addressed to the relevant addressees indicated in the petition
  • if a person or organization plans to use signatures in political activities, then it is necessary to tick the box when writing a petition "A petition may be used in political or party activities when submitting proposals to state institutions"
  • the use of signatures for purposes unrelated to the topic being developed is prohibited

7. Rights and obligations of visitors:

  • be familiar with the rules of this website and do not violate them by commenting or otherwise expressing your actions
  • if you notice inaccuracies, errors, individual abuse, please let us know by e-mail. by mail specified in the contacts
  • one visitor can sign each petition only once, confirming that the name and e-mail are entered. email address belongs to him and can confirm this by receiving an email. otherwise the signatures may be removed
  • you can remove your signature yourself by selecting the petition in which you signed and clicking on the "cancel signature" link

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact info@peticijos.lt