Stop Frequent Ads

Signed: < 20
Donated: < $20

Support the petition "Stop Frequent Ads":

100% of the donations will be spend on supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.). Every $1 in donations allows us to reach 200 individuals with the petition message and get more signatures.


Limitations of pop up ads in media (social media, websites, and public)


September 24, 2023


Private Citizen



Stop Frequent Ads

Dear members, I am writing to you today to bring awareness of the alarming rate advertisements frequent daily in our lives, to the point it might it have psychological repercussions. The average person sees roughly 500-700 ads daily. This is not just during a television or streaming break, but by scrolling in social media, website browsing, as well generated by using cookies or search engines. It is run amok to the point that there are ads to push higher subscription services to stop ads. It's apparent that content creators need to push an ad for revenue while ads play during a video. Today I propose that as a nation, we collectively agree to limit advertisements. I believe in the free market but it has come to a point these advertisements have infringe on our personal space, and come off as harassment. I propose the following solutions to the problem: -YouTubers and content creators no longer needing to have a sponsor and shares on designated ad breaks in videos. -Apps, games and streaming services on being monitored ads played by minute -Disruptive ads monitored, as well companies fined by pop ups on site These are probable ideas, with oversight needed. The real idea is to lessen the hold advertisements have on media and the viewer. This is not censorship, this is to limit and bring a capacity to how much is being pushed on us. Thank you

Support the petition "Stop Frequent Ads":

100% of the donations will be spend on supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.). Every $1 in donations allows us to reach 200 individuals with the petition message and get more signatures.

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Petition Timeline

  • 2023 Sep 24
    Petition initiated

  • 2023 Sep 24
    2023 Dec 24
    Signatures collected