Free the turtles at turtles all the way down
Signed: < 20
< $20
Support the petition "Free the turtles at turtles all the way down ":
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Every $1 in donations allows us to reach 200 individuals
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and get more signatures.
I feel pretty bad for these turtles. I don’t doubt they are fed and stuff but such a tiny tank for such big turtles. They seem so friendly and outgoing. I want more for them.
October 10, 2022
142 scholes street
Rhianna Seidenberg
Free the turtles at turtles all the way down
I think if we email the beach state park we can see about integrating the turtles into the pond there. There are lots of others turtles. I do hope they won’t get bullied.Support the petition "Free the turtles at turtles all the way down ":
100% of the donations will be spend on
supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.).
Every $1 in donations allows us to reach 200 individuals
with the petition message
and get more signatures.
Petition Timeline
- 2022 Oct 10
Petition initiated
- 2022 Oct 10
2023 Jan 10Signatures collected