Election Fairness - For Good

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Donated: < $20

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SCOTUS has critically important cases on election fraud on their docket starting in Jan 2023. Let them know how important credible elections are to you.


December 16, 2022


The Supreme Court of the United States


lionel mandrake

Election Fairness - For Good

Date To: (Name) Chief/Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States There will soon be another case before you on election fraud. When this happens, and it will, you will have a chance for redemption for your refusal to consider the overwhelming evidence of Fraud in 2020 when you ignored the Constitution, resulting in a totalitarian regime that stole our country through ongoing and never ending election fraud. If you refuse again to hear evidence respecting the will of well over half of America, your bench will be forever blamed as instrumental as the single reason why our Nation destroyed itself. I am by no means a legal or constitutional law scholar.   I am writing this as simply an American that loves his country and for all the Good it has done not only for myself and my fellow Americans but for citizens around the world. You are sitting on the most important Supreme Court in the history of the United States.    Your time and place in the history of America is etched in stone, forever.    Whether Fate or God himself put you personally in this position is unknown, but I can tell you that your decisions regarding election fraud by the Democrat Party, will have consequences that could undermine our Constitution and determine either the survival or destruction of this great country, and the Liberty we stand for.   This is not hyperbole.   It is a fact. The basic question before you is whether or not our representatives in Government at all levels will be legitimate or can be determined in advance by a political party using election High Tech Fraud technologies which are provable in practice but whose specific and ultimate effects may be unprovable in results.    This should not mean that the bar for judicial remedy be made impossibly high.    If you set the bar too high for proof of overturning Fraud to the exact degree needed to overturn an election result,  then election Fraud not only can never be stopped but you will effectively be assuring that future elections will be determined by whoever has the best method to rig our elections.    America wants a war of ideas, not of technology.  If you set the bar too high for proof of overturning Fraud, you will be giving license to any political party to engage in Fraud, forever, until this country is no more.   If this is allowed to occur, our Nation is doomed to tyranny of one party or the other and will no longer be the Republic that you have sworn to protect and defend. It is understandable that the SCOTUS does not want to overturn the will of the people and determine an election winner at the Federal levels.    The answer for America is for the SCOTUS not to choose one candidate or the other, but to only assure that our elections are credible to at least the half of America that has legitimate concerns based on what happened on Nov 3 2020 and during the Midterm elections of 2022. You can no longer kick the can down the road. Disenfranchisement is what the Democratic Party has used to eliminate nearly all of the common sense voter restrictions used in democratic countries around the world. Nobody has been "disenfranchised" like Conservatives in America. Please protect our voices. We look to you to investigate on our Constitutional behalf and let the chips fall where they may. If after hearing the evidence from both sides it is determined that substantial Fraud was involved in any election, and where it is shown that States, through their mismanagement of elections, are actually participating in the Fraud knowingly or not, without overturning all of the votes that are in question and starting over, it is within your power to order Reelections only in States where Fraud has been proven and is most evident (e.g. Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin in 2020 elections).  With the evidence presented in your court, and your decision(s) thereof, our Congress should participate accordingly. Therefore, and to prevent or reduce the likelihood of future technological Fraud and restore faith in our Government that is critical to a peaceful American society, under Article 1 Sec 4 of the Constitution, Congress should be called by the people with your legal precedent to develop a standardized election process for all Federal elections (to be a template for State and Local elections, if so chosen) that could and should be federally legislated, or as an Amendment to our Constitution due to its long term critical importance to the survival of America.    The process must involve the lowest of non-hackable technologies using traceable paper ballots with voter Picture IDs, special and highly restrictive requirements for absentee ballots, election day only voting with unrestricted Bi Partisan oversight that does not interfere with the sacred privacy of a person's vote. Like Jury Duty, people could also be called to participate and oversee the election process as part of their Civic Duty, a duty at least as critical as serving on Juries. It will be difficult to take a stand when the highest court prefers not to be involved, but as defenders of the Constitution, you must be involved now more than ever before things boil over and the Nation is destroyed.  You must not allow election Fraud to destroy our country just as it has in Totalitarian regimes throughout history.  If that occurs, there will be no Constitutional protections for the people, let alone a functioning SCOTUS. I implore you, time is of the essence.    Please make the right decision for me, my family and my fellow Americans of all political stripes who Love America and our Constitution as I know you do.  Hear and investigate the cases for election Fraud.   You are our last backstop against Tyranny.   The People are depending on you to come through for us and all those that came before us – and died for our Liberty! Sincerely, Disenfranchised Citizen Voter ======================================================== John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice Elena Kagan, Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, Associate Justice U.S. Mail: NAME Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543 Telephone: 202-479-3000 TTY: 202-479-3472 (Available M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern) Where to Send Questions or Comments: For technical questions or to report problems with this website, email: Webmaster For time sensitive or urgent questions please contact the Public Information Office at the following number: 202-479-3211, Reporters press 1 For general questions that are not time sensitive, email: Public Information Office Contact the Public Information Office by US Mail: Public Information Officer Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543

Support the petition "Election Fairness - For Good":

100% of the donations will be spend on supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.). Every $1 in donations allows us to reach 200 individuals with the petition message and get more signatures.

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Petition Timeline

  • 2022 Dec 16
    Petition initiated

  • 2022 Dec 16
    2023 Mar 16
    Signatures collected