Cps and unconstitutional dependency inplimentation
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This petition is demanding for change to the Cps system and to uphold the constitution rights of the people which the government is sworn to uphold and the parental rights written and included with in. As well as enforcing and returning those children whose rights were violated due to the implementation of the scheme on we the people.
March 25, 2024
Cps,dcfs, Dhhs, Child welfare services
Charles Argust-Amante
Cps and unconstitutional dependency inplimentation
It’s due time for we the people to come together to bring to light and forefront the absolute constitutional rights violations and alienation of a Parent from their child due to best interest of a child statute and implementation that is undefined at best as it violates our rights overall for both biological parents and minors. I ask you to bear with me as the process is lengthy and impossible to explain this process in its entirety without doing so. That being said It’s long overdue to expose the ever-evolving child welfare and juvenile dependency scheme and its immoral tactics used and designed to deceive its participants and take our children as a means for profit and gain monetarily. In delaying the return of children and/or adopting them out as it is the preference in this scheme to adopt. Contracted state and county service providers and adoption agencies using children as a means to collect profit from government provided federal funds. These Government funds are allocated monetarily for reaching mandated protocols and junctures of the scheme. This seemingly rewards social workers and child well fare systems who are rewarded by consequently adopting children out or unnecessarily extending out detainment and delaying a dependency case and the return of a child to a parent until the mandated statutory time limit. This scheme and system have absolutely zero rewards or incentives for families to reunify with one another. It removes children from their biological parents' homes, extends detainment to the last possible juncture in which the county is obligated to file for termination of parental rights, that seeks to end a parent child relationship permanently. Children and parents already traumatized by removal of the minor from their home, left helpless and creating an emotionally, physically and mentally incapacitating process, inflicting unnecessary detriment to the many families affected nationwide by child services and child welfare systemic practices and implementation of the dependency scheme. Now the consequences are many in a scheme that claims it doesn’t punish parents that become part of or are involved in a dependency or child welfare case. How Is it not a punishment to separate families when the end result can be the termination of parental rights and loss of a child permanently. A scheme designed to separate a parents and their children for the means to gain profit and revenue generated by counties and agencies throughout California by lengthening detainment in cases involving parents and children or adopting them out to foster families. You and your children or child are crucial to the system. Without them there is and would be no big business and a growing need for implementing this horrific scheme upon citizens, parents and children. These being the very people the government has sworn to protect. It’s a scheme in which you don’t have a choice at times to be part of as anyone can report suspected abuse allegations anonymously. Parents are then forced to agree to terms and conditions set forth by this scheme to afford a a chance for their child to be returned. Unfortunately, by the time you obtain an understanding and knowledge of this system to properly be competent as to the dependency scheme, it is far to late in this expedited process. Many statute limits and legislation expedited affording rushed justice needed to obtain the stability and permanency of a child in the shortest amount of time yet while a ward of the court extends out detainment of a minor from their parents at all phases of this well thought out scheme. It’s an expedited process which allows errors and mistakes to often be overlooked and accepted when made by social workers that are part of your case. The outcome seemingly decided before you even get to contest or dispute any allegation alleged as zero proof is needed to detain or take a child from their family’s. Together our duty as parents and private citizens to stop this unconstitutional scheme. Its we the people who need to stand up and fight for our children, for our parental rights and the constitutional rights afforded and passed down to us by our forefathers. Our Rights that are minimized and violated by social workers and dependency courts knowingly. Feelings change frequently, and despite how one feels or agrees or disagrees, they are a constant and remain whether liked or disliked. The line in the sand needs to be drawn. We the people need to unite and stand up against the unconstitutional practice and process of juvenile dependency scheme. Day after day these violations continue, Despite the fact that many government officials, judges and attorneys, who recognize and acknowledge the current system is broken, as it divides and separates families at an alarming rate. Many of these individuals say it lacks needed parental rights protections and other strict provisions and guidelines which limit a child’s removal from there biological parents homes to be able to stop the erroneous trauma inflicted by those who are supposed to protect children from actual serious and harmful abuse, not harmless forms of neglect or substance abuse for neither of the two proves a parents ability to care for and meet their child’s needs or that they are an abusive mother or father. This scheme also punishes parents for acts that haven’t taken place yet, but possibly may in their eyes dishing out punitive actions and taking children from parents for acts that have never occurred and because the department feels this way somehow justifies removal or intervention. Since when does the department have or allowed to have feelings. If social workers feel that neglect has occurred which neglect is immensely vaguely defined, done with the intent of giving social workers complete discretion and absolute power in deciding Cps matters in an investigation or supposed reported abuse. To justify these decisions it is said to be implemented and enforced to protect the individual or minor in question before the court. Now I pose the question, how have we gotten to this point. How does it not aid in the delay of permanency and stability of minors from their parents by making 6 months the minimum return time of a child deemed to need out of home protection. The unwritten intent of this time frame is to allow resource and foster families time to decide if they want to adopt a child that has been placed with them as well as setting up reunification plans and services. Most cases are extended out to 12-18 months due to the time needed to evaluate and set up said needed services because by the time they are set up and parents begin to engage in them more time is needed to properly evaluate progress and to make best interest findings. Is it not true that every parent is guilty of neglect at some point and time in a child’s life, most times innocently or due to mitigated unforeseen circumstances of a situation where a parent had no choice and did so in the best interest of one’s family overall, there for making it in their child’s best interest. Best interest of a child who becomes a dependent or ward of the court allows child welfare and dependency workers to frame abuse allegations however they please, do whatever it takes or needed to be done to win cases and bolster numbers overall to increase government funding for counties and obtain product as it’s a matter of supply and demand and the demand for adoptable children is high. There are 36 potential adopted parents to 1 child. Simple supply and demand applies as to this in my opinion.it all but Seems Child welfare and CPS workers have lost sight of its original goal of helping seriously abused children, and their parents. Previous foster families in the past chose to do so and their reward was to assist a parent and child and see them reunite. Yet now they are placed in a position to compete with parents presently in todays time. Competing against the adoption of ones child and resource and foster families are given the upper hand in many ways over biological parents as adoption is the preference of the scheme, even before reunification services are terminated in some cases. Now parents are not perfect by any means. As with anything in life parents learn from failures and mistakes. Contrary to this in the scheme of dependency, who’s supposed goal states that it’s sole purpose and mission is to reunify a parent and child and that it doesn’t inflict punishment or punitive to individuals of those who become or are part of the dependency scheme. But the Fact is that day after day, week after week, year after year it is business as usual for the many Cps, Dhhs and Dcfs social workers and those who are employed by CPS and by DCFS, and continue to find new ways to obtain inventory, being minors and children. Said entities and contracted service providers and Workers who are part of the child welfare system impliment A broken, judgmental, hypocritical unconstitutional system. One which lays claims as to its heroic feats done in protecting children, yet child-well fare and juvenile dependency workers faults and mistakes from lawsuits brought against social services and agencies due to their previous failures, mistakes and wrongdoings are not scene by or open to the public. Now one would think that if dcfs and social workers were doing such great things and bettering the lives of minors and children they would want to let people know and hear about all of these good things that come from detaining and separating families. Yet today proceeding are now hidden behind the closed doors of juvenile court proceedings and the confidentiality protections afforded as well as other suposed protective changes to minimize lawsuits. In doing it had given absolute power and control of every single aspect of dependency cases. Providing representation paid for by counties. These law firms contracted to represent individual's unfortunate enough to have an investigation or allegation founded against them by social services. With each passing hearing and juncture the clock is ticking, and the stakes are high. Those who impose and enforce this dubious scheme, those who have warped and chosen to implement it outside of its intended purpose, being enforced by those employed contracted entities and social workers who knowingly are afforded and given a veil of amnesty as protection. The Supposed purpose of this being the ability to carry out one’s day to day duties with out fear of repercussions for wrongdoings and mistakes made. The scheme Justifies and protects the actions of those employed Dhhs and third partly contracted agencies, and its these same employed personnel who are tasked with and given the most difficult and delicate decision one can make or decide in life. To Either to separate a child and parent, permanently in some cases or reunify a child with its parents or adoption which is the preference of the scheme. By arbitrarily rendering and giving absolute power to social workers and their superiors, who have seemingly foregone family values, traditions and traded our constitutional rights for incentives and profit overall. How exactly is that done you ask? By Turning your child into a stream of federal money, purposely keeping children detained as long as possible. The federal funds allocated increase significantly the longer a child is detained as a ward of the court. This is especially true if the child or minor is an infant under the age of three. This process and scheme knowingly violate your civil rights, is hidden away behind closed doors of juvenile court proceedings afforded by Juvenile confidentiality on such matters. Done with the intent purpose as it enables Dfcs and child welfare services to ensnare parents in a trap. Parents who are threatened repeatedly with the taking and loss of their child via adoption. In many cases reasons for detainment are exacerbated. By Exaggerating and inflating initial allegations and findings as social workers who file these allegations and reports against a parent do so to lengthen detainment at each juncture of a dependency case and families get Framed negatively via social worker reports as to SW recommendations and findings. If substances are involved or are in recovery the scheme goes against everything in which a recovering addict of substance abuse is taught about addiction and treatment of individuals using this at times as a basis already complicating a supposed process said to not be punitive of parents. yet can reduce visitation and restrict a parent's interactions and time with their child. The department as it is often referred to expects parents to be perfect and never make mistakes. Its Not the same for resource families treated like royalty for opening their homes and hearts to those in foster care, considered a critical part of the team. So much so that social workers help to cover up or minimize incidents that occur within resource homes. An Example being my son's foot was burned on a bbq grill in an incident where the resource parent took over cooking duties while carrying my son in a frontward facing holster, allowing for him to get close enough his foot touched the grill resulting in third degree burns on his feet and toes. Justifiably and rightly upset as I just couldn’t fathom or get my head around why my son was that close to a BBQ to begin with let alone close enough to get burnt by it resulting in a painful injury to my child. Cps takes kids from parents for far less, yet the incident was Minimized as to its importance and a firm warning was issued to the resource family. No consequence or repercussion for any wrong doing on the part of social worker, negating and framing it as my fault, for if social services and dcfs weren’t involved or needed as to my dependency case and removal from my care it wouldn’t have happened and deeming it to be handled properly internally, in turn shutting the door on my demands for my son to be returned to my care as this was only one incident of many in which my son was injured while in the care of the resource family. Just another means to silence your voice in matters of your child. Social workers do as they please as to their personal feelings and beliefs scene as and deemed to be in the child’s best interest of a child or as I see it another way of hiding behind best interest findings and minimizing a parents say as to what goes and can and cannot be done while a ward of the court. Now to add is the most noticeably the ability to have compassion and fairness for all involved. initially the scheme afforded such but has evolved into a scheme that belittles and restricts a parent party to the dependency scheme. Its victims are the Parents who unknowingly, unwillingly, are forced into a money trap. Juvenile dependency is an unfair bias process used as a means for legal kidnapping. A scheme designed and enforced with the intention of violating your due process rights, parental rights, the right to a fair and speedy trial to be judged by a jury of your peers, a citizen's right to face you accuser, and many many more. Its These ingredients that make up the differences of dependency law and juvenile dependency court from other courts. As a citizen and person, you are afforded far more protective rights in civil, family, or criminal law. It is justified by the so-called counterbalancing of the rights of a parent and the rights of a minor against one another. A best interest and beneficial to the child statute that claim to promote stability and permanency when deciding placement of the minor or return of a child to a parent. Highly undefined and uncapped, as there is no ceiling or limit to what can be and is and isn’t beneficial or in their best interest or any strict provisions or guidelines to keep it from being abused or used as a means to terminate a parent child relationship. It is leading us down a slippery slope, an example of this is the fact that approximately 18 percent of children who are removed from parents are justly removed for what CPS was originally created and intended for, such as physical, sexual, and other serious forms of abuse of a child to which a Minor should be removed. Sadly, the majority of children taken are removed and are taken for neglect and substance abuse. Substance abuse without more is not a reason to file for a section 300 allegation as it doesn’t prove one’s unfitness or inability to parent and raise his or her child. Neglect which by statute and law that also is all to vague as defined. It can be anything the” department “decides to frame it. Yet however they choose to do so it affects you and your child. These accusations whether the allegations and accusations are true or false, the judges who over see dependency hearings always back social worker recommendations and findings, as Most recommendations are for extension of detainment finding reasonable cause to continue such due whatever excuse they come up with which is ridiculous at best and have the Gaul to call it a reasonable finding. Reasonable finding is defined by the means that a normal average person would do such or act in such a manner or way. The problem with that is it was meant to be found by your peers in a jury, not a judge and social worker and attorneys deciding what reasonable is overall making it bias and one sided and should be deemed as an unjust finding especially since it’s done with intent to turn a profit. Accomplished by hitting certain federal required timelines and markers to receive federally provided funds which counties then use these funds to balance their budgets and checkbooks within their jurisdiction. Just as counties have found a way to make money off book and release of people arrested and detained in jails the dependency scheme has created a business gaining capital out of stealing children and holding them ransom for financial gain which sadly as unfortunate as it is l has become grossly and widely accepted and enforced throughout the state of California and gaining momentum across the nation. Reflective of this is the fact that only approximately 48 percent of children taken who are made a ward of the court are returned home to their biological families and parents. Reunification of family is the first objective my ass. this process claims the want to reunify a parent and child, while children are farmed out to resource and foster families. All who have passed the RFA background check and background investigation pertaining to those wanting to adopt or visit with your child. It is the preference of reunification and reuniting a parent and child, yet if reunification services are terminated, which again is mandated to be filed and done after your child is deemed a ward of the court for 15-22 months. It’s at this time which the resource family can petition the court for defacto parent status and if granted such so begins the taking away of your paternal rights further lessening your chances of the return of your child to you. Just as everything in this scheme is opposed and against you through out your dependency case it makes it almost impossible to get your child returned to you. If a parent disagrees with the social worker report and the termination of One’s parental rights, then a contested hearing takes place by which a 366.26 trial is set. Considered the escape mechanism for parents who may file a 388 petition that affords parents to show a change in cause that Warren’s either continued reunification or an order modifies whatever order or recommendation. It is stated that a 388 petition should not be ran concurrently with a 366.26 trail as it has conflicting deciding factors of proof by which means is a conflicting barrier because of this. It is said that 388 petitions are to be decided before the setting of a 366.26 trial. Cases within juvenile dependency are Expedited and purposelycelerated and rushed making it a process in which requires adoption to be ran concurrently with reunification. If reunification with the biological parent is deemed to be not in the best interest or beneficial to a child or the juvenile dependency court files a petition to terminate your parental rights which by statute and legislation the department is required by law to file for TPR after a child has been a ward of the court for 15-22 months. Dependency courts judges, clerks, court reporters, attorneys and many more rely on the separating families for a paycheck. Social workers are the fuel that drives the system and receive and given incentives for adoption as it is the Preference of the scheme. To accomplish this task, one must delay the return of a child and extend out reunification with his or her biological parents. It is required federally to keep Hitting these certain markers to ensure to continue and receive federal funds in delaying the return of a child to you, purposely keeping them a ward of the court until reaching the required statute TPR filing mentioned previously. Because adoption is preference and ran concurrently with adoption it is near impossible to get your child back in a timely manner. Initially parents are afforded and given 6months to reunify, making six months the shortest amount of time to be able to bring your child home. Reunification can be extended to 12 or the maximum 18-24 months if in the best interest It all in justified by social workers and resource families/ foster families who no stoop and stop by no means to keep a child from being returned to their birth parent. As hard as it is to believe in this scheme for a father party to a dependency case which is even more difficult and will be explained more in depth and expanded upon later. For now, we focus to establish an understanding by laying some groundwork to help assist and explain the process a parent goes through when made party to the dependency scheme. In this informative and eye-opening firsthand account inside world of child welfare services and third-party entities contracted by the states and counties to over see services and your case. It is proposed statistically that 1 in 3 children will come into contact with child protective services by the age of 18. These investigated cases are usually reported anonymously and are to be investigated by CPS who has full discretion as to whether or not to investigate and open such a case based on the claims reported. If upon completion of their investigation, this is after interviewing the minor in question, talking to others about you decide and various other factors as to whether or not the allegations against you are founded of unfounded, truth has no place as to the claims and if deemed even the slightest of a possibility then the investigative social worker files a claim against you for endangerment, neglect or abuse. The allegations are decided or deemed founded necessary to intervene and you and your child fall within jurisdiction of the courts or county once file that further action is required your case is handed off to a third-party government contracted entity, a private company contracted by the county and is over seen by county and city council members and prosecuted by county counsel prosecutors who work for them. It’s a dubious process that violates your rights and destroys families in an instant and the trauma and repercussions are many. My name is Charles and I have something that you need to hear if you don’t already know about juvenile dependency and the dependency scheme. It is to be said and voiced to and for all parents and children alike, citizens of this great nation of the United States of America and the imposed punitive actions forced upon parents. What I have to share with you is the process in which you go through and by a scheme that has and does violate one’s constitutional rights of not just adult parents and children, but of all our fellow citizens, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers alike. Those who have been deprived and let down by a system already know that is tearing apart the fabric of this great nation. How you ask, by systematically separating mothers and fathers from their children violating the fifth, fourteenth amendments of the constitution making it a crisis that is happening Dailey. Because it has 1 in 3 odds a child will have contact with cps by the time a child turns 18 it is an issue and crisis worthy of your time to help other fathers and mothers to not have to endure or experience, making is fight worthy of fighting for in the future as rights of the people are eroded making and it a matter of constitutional magnitude and construct to its importance. Especially since according to the California Little Hoover Commission Report in 2003, 30% to 70% of the children in California group homes do not belong there and should not have been removed from their homes. The very society we live in is alienating and depriving many of its biological parents of their children and creating a society in which paternity and biology of our dependents, and genealogy of our offspring means absolutely nothing. This is by design in a scheme derived to rob and belittle our rights as people of this great nation to be able to raise and rear our children in the manner which we see fit without interference of government as to religious preference, education, medical, and overall wellbeing of children born to us. It violates and stomps on our natural rights as fathers and mothers born of this great nation in the caring and wellbeing of our children, taking them from their biological families, and depriving them of their birthright, adopting them out to other families and terminating parental rights to separate children and parents and ever further erode parental rights in this nation to mean nothing in the end. Driven by money and greed. Cps, dhhs, dcfs, or any other name chosen to be given to government or government contracted agencies throughout the United States, recognized or associated as any other name one calls Cps or child welfare services and a dependency scheme created and the power given to these such entities who are abusing the power given and invested to them by the people, forcing and implementing it in ways never meant, establishing such entities have given way wielding and enforcing such in ways we the people never wanted or intended for it to be used. It has evolved and is justifiably used in the deprivation and legal kidnapping of our children justified by supposed needed protection of children from abuse. By allowing them to separate families and children across this nation at an ever-growing rate, 700 children are separated from their families in any given day. Given and entrusted the Government authority to protect the welfare of our children and supposed protections it is promised in doing so have perverted it as a means of financial gain, giving way to false pretense, afforded to them judicially, hidden behind closed doors of juvenile confidentiality and given absolute power to alienate and deprive many private citizens and parents of their children, unremorsefully and ill refuted by said powers that be to protect our youth have no problem violating due process rights and many other guaranteed rights of the constitution and do so by trickery and fraudulent means. It in many ways is tearing at the fabric of this great nation and those who are a part of this dynamic scheme, are morally and irrationally killing natural rights and constitutional rights of all involved in the this so called dependency scheme, is one of moral deprevity that is beyond one’s measure and meaning to understand in comprehending the atrocities committed and forced on our fellow brother and sisters, sickening to the core in its proposed purpose, one of immorality of its known effect and actions in which deceitful tactics used in order to deprive biological parents of their own offspring and children by a means that was meant to protect and help abused children and protect them from physical, sexual, and other abuse. It has been warped into a money making scheme agencies and counties use federal funds obtained by the dependency scheme by robbing its own residence residing and living within their jurisdiction taking their children away from them, at times permanently severing their relationship doing so without due process and hide behind best interest and beneficial interest of a child to make a mockery of our rights which between criminal, family, and civil law has the least amount of rights or protections the constitution offers, and a process that violates them knowingly and purposely. It is threatening our very way of life, and unless restricted and controlled or revamped entirely is a scheme that will not stop or spare anyone from its grasp taking by any means as it wants, creating new ways to continue in depriving parents and children of their said rights until they no longer mean anything and are forgotten altogether. Sound extreme? It isn’t! I deplore you to raise your voice as Now is the time to stand up against this immoral and monetarily hungry machine known as juvenile dependency court and its side kick CPS who claim to be hero’s protecting children but in all reality hide behind closed doors, confidentiality of juveniles, and deprive parents and children both who have their rights violated during the course of the proceedings and hearings which take place and are not allowed to be publicly viewed or screened, nor do you have the right to be judged by a jury of your peers as to whether or not the claims against you are true, and instead the social workers and dcfs get to be your judge and jury in deciding the most delicate and important decision made as to whether to sever parental rights in favor of adoption after services and social workers either fail the parents, and rewarded monetarily for doing so as there is no reward for reunification of a parent and child, only incentives given for adoption of a child which counties then rely on and become used to federal money for these transactions and have found a way to make money of severing parental rights for anything in a scheme in which you can do absolutely everything right and that they ask of you and unless it’s found to be in the best interest of your child or beneficial you can still have your rights terminated in this scheme, which by definition means to deprive someone of something, and that’s exactly what they want to do, keep your child as long as possible to collect as much federal money hitting certain markers and requirements of the government in order to do so. Now as in my case if your child is an infant and under the age of three the foster resource family gets double what you would get for a foster child, the normal going rate is $1600 a month for a child over the age of three and can be more if disabled or has special needs. For an infant they collect $3200 a month. That is crazy to think about. The scheme takes your child and pays someone else to provide care for them, they get paid to care for your child and time to decide whether or not they would be interested in adopting your child if reunification fails between a parent and child due to a a mired of reasons reunification can fail, most due to timing out as after 15-22 months as a ward of the court it is mandatory to file for termination of parental rights to free your child for adoption. If parental rights are terminated and your child is not adopted it leaves them a legal orphan without a guardian. They are then tossed about in foster care and group homes with no legal guardian and only after three years, having to show and provide proof of substantial change can you then petition the courts to reinstate your parental rights and if it is deemed to be in their best interest, then and only then will they consider reinstating parental rights to your child, and returned them to your care. As to the funding and payment of resource family’s and foster families who assist social workers deemed essential to and are afforded and made part of the departments team along side social workers and cps, who while caring for your child are financially compensated and given medical, retirement, childcare, daycare, and offered assistance in transporting foster children living in their homes, and being provided and reimbursed for the costs associated with the caring and raising of the minors residing within the resource home. Additionally there is a foster care and adoption tax incentive for these families that ranges between 15-30 percent for approximately 6-10 years. That is the biggest tax break I personally have ever heard or been made aware of. Now I pose the question, How has it gotten this way, and how come these same things are not offered or give to the biological parent access to these same resources and benefits or allowances to be able to raise and care for their children in their own home. If parents were afforded these same supports and benefits one would think they to could succeed and be successful allowing and affording a parent involved with a Cps case to keep children in the home of their biological parents who know their child better than anyone, which has been proven scientifically in studies to be the best overall outcome to be had for minors to remain in the homes of Their birth parents in order to thrive and succeed and not just preach that families and reunification are at the forefront . One could argue that if parents were afforded these same given supports and financial opportunities they would be just as successful if not more. Just as the resource and foster families are afforded but without the trauma and consequences endured by child and parent alike in the separating and even worse considered the death penalty of dependency the the termination of one’s parental rights which permanently severs and ends a parent child relationship, the equivalent of the death penalty, 18- life. 18 is the age in which unless allowed by the adoptive family prior to turning 18 years of age is the earliest age a child adopted can find out and meet his biological parents if they decide to, if not you may never see your child ever again. Now think about this, resource families over time become used to receiving the provided funds, now over a 18 month case in which mine was you can’t tell me that resource families that want to adopt don’t interfere with reunification of your child or that dcfs and dhhs, a third party contracted provider contracted by the state of California who are in it for profit, offering a service to provide reunification services and overseeing the process don’t aid in lengthening detainment to hit such markers to receive that federal money or think it doesn’t affect or play a role in your case the when it comes to your and your child, it does. Adding to the plight of parents is the limits imposed upon you as after 15-22months of your child being in their care they are required by law to file for parental rights termination and adoption being the preference. Parental rights can be terminated if you don’t prove one of three things, beneficial relationship exemption, detriment if relationship is severed and has to outweigh the permanency and stability a child would get from being adopted. It happens faster than you think, involuntary parental rights termination is supposed to be last resort. Yet because there is no incentive or money to reunify a child with their parent, no incentive bonus, and no federal money for the county if parents and their child are reunified. Social services agencies do continue to get federal money well after parental rights are involuntarily terminated and adoption being preferences of guardianship in which custody of the child is given to the courts and placed in foster care until either adopted of biological parents can convince or show the courts and child social services they can care for and provide for their child and that the reasons for removal are eliminated and can show it’s a long term permanent change and then and only then will the courts considered allowing to place your child back in your home, to be monitored until deemed supervision is no longer needed, then and only then will the contracted county service agency or the courts consider your case and close it out and ask for dismissal. just as many social workers get incentive checks for successful adoptions after TPR which are bonuses, just classified differently, a play on words. That’s just one example of how dependency laws play on various words changed to be able to keep your child under wraps and keep them from being returned home. Instead of Mother or mom, father, dad or parent, they are referred to as Bio parent, maternal or paternal birth parents, or more even more vague guardian or caretaker. Instead of kid, son, daughter, the term minor or child, resource family instead of foster family and the list goes on. In law you change one word or exchange it for another and the entire meaning of it subsequently changes a sentences complete structure and meaning by definition. It is done to deceive you intentionally. What’s also not known is that in order to keep getting federal money dcfs must adopt out more children than the prior calendar year. In the dependency scheme and to mask and hide so as to not raise suspicion or be noticed it is done over a period of time and as the years go by, the numbers for TPR rise until it fails to adopt out more children. A county only fails to do to the inability to adopt out more children than the previous year as the statistics don’t lie when done yourself. You learn while in the dependency scheme that the longer time goes by while part of the scheme is designed and is totally against you from beginning to end, depriving you of constitutional rights are violated knowingly, justified by weighing the so called rights of a parent party to the dependency case and balancing them against the rights of your child or minor in question, the scales tipped against the parent or parents who are forced to agree to attend county funded services, many which have nothing to do with why your child was taken, service providers contracted by the counties to provide these services being provided millions of dollars in contracts and as I found out personally that when Dcfs has a service provider who Advocate for a parent in access or scene as a threat to the counties agenda the counties threaten to cut their funding off to get them to back down and advocate less for parents to reunify with their child. In every step of the way and in many aspects of your social services case to reunification your child or infant is held out in front of you like a carrot on a string. Threatened and imposed repercussions for standing up for yourself or questioning or disagreeing with decisions made as to your child while in foster care is futile, as those who do are considered hostile, noncompliant, or punished and silenced with additional services such as anger Management classes or some county provided service to add to a parent or caregivers already heavy case plan. These services which are pointless at TPR trials yet are used as a bases to permanently severe your parental rights in favor of adoption. Adoption which is favored as it promotes the permanency and stability of the child which is considered the forefront most important to attain in the shortest amount of time. As parent part of this scheme, you are on the the clock the second child services checks into your life and removes your child to be a ward of the court. If it is deemed continued out of home placement is needed, a family member can't take in your child or can be approved by Cps, your child is placed in a foster care home to be cared for in the resource home during reunification attempts. in a dependency case. you add in the resources and help foster families receive and assistance afforded to them as child care, medical for the child, not to mention classes and recertification courses paid for making them professional parents in which first time parents have to compete with to keep a child wanted to be adopted by the family a nearly impossible task as visits to their home afford a relationship with case workers, visitation social workers etc and creates a bias and preference unfair to the parents wanting their child home and reunify with their child. The more time that goes by and the more markers hit in order to obtain and maintain the federal money that goes by the more hopeless and difficult it becomes to bring your child home. Afforded visitation, usually supervised by the the contracted service provider who is contracted to oversee your case, often are inaccurately reported. Location of visitation takes place in a small room that allows the visitation supervisor to monitor visits, sits in a chair by the door tasked with recording and overseeing your each and every move and action looking for any and every possible little thing to report or use against you and said to ensure the child’s safety while monitoring the parent child interaction, allowed to offer advice and correction if they feel it is needed creating a awkward uncomfortable environment in which you have to use to create a bond with your child, in my case an infant who once detained and removed on 6/19/2020, was not afforded to see my son until August 19th 2020, a full two months after he was detained after only allowed to have my son home and in my care for 4 days as he was born positive toxic for substances. Ad if that time a safety agreement was made before leaving the hospital by the investigating social worker and I unknowingly violated said agreement three times before evening arriving at the residence I was to be residing, leading to his emergency detainment by cps, robbing his mother and I of two months of crucial bonding time in which many firsts were missed overall during my 18 month case in which my parental rights were involuntarily terminated in preference of adoption by the resource family after reunification attempt failed due to mothers relapse of alcohol after two plus years of sobriety from substances in which after re detainment by the department I the father was never given a chance prior to or after re detainment to have or given the opportunity for my son to be placed in my care despite doing and alleviating all reasons for removal. Throughout my entire case besides the safety agreement I was never afforded the opportunity to show or prove different as had been the case, even on appeal. Parental rights were terminated, and my son lost to the system. It left me lost leaving me to wonder how the hell this could have happened for I had never harmed a single hair on my son's head let alone abused him period. It is sad that they inflate or exacerbate Anything and everything and create ways to use the most innocent things against you in court proceedings which social worker reports are provided to all parties and the recommendations of the department are made and how things are progressing and recommended action the department want a to make if any. These reports are the basis of your case and once submitted to by you or your counsel whether factual or true, once submitted it becomes the truth. Read that again! Once the judge accepts you or your counsel's acknowledgment and is deemed and agreed to be submitted, whether it’s true or factual or not, upon submission it becomes the truth. Judges always side with social workers and attorneys for your child who is afforded representation and county and city council attorneys who prosecute and represent them in these proceedings, all of which are against you and your attorney as each parent is provided with counsel to help represent you in dependency proceedings and hearings, all of which take place behind closed doors due to juvenile confidentiality which is closed to the public and is not screened or monitored by anyone except city and county council members, not elected officials as the only judicial oversight dcfs, dhhs, and dependency cases. Confidentiality because of its nature involving minor is prosecutable and a felony if convicted of breaking such said agreement leaving you unable to talk about your case with anyone outside of your provided counsel or attorney, your services groups because they have their own confidentiality agreements leaving it almost impossible to report of complain to anyone outside of your case as to any misconduct or violation and if one is brought to their attention it is swept under the rug as no big deal, may or may not be corrected or at the very least they will cover themselves or claim amnesty given to governing employed personal who are afforded such in order to do their jobs without recourse or punishment for their mistakes or wrongdoings which only a judge can take away the veil of the person employed or contracted by the state or government when deemed it is needed in order to obtain any justice or recourse for wrongdoings or violations during a dependency case and once again it is not impossible to do, but is close to impossible to get a judgement in your favor if granted the means to do so. Now I want to point out that the average person who has not had any involvement with cps or knows someone who has, is completely unaware of any of any of these things when your child is take and detained. Social workers, judges and counsel know all the rules as they do this day in and day out for a living, yet the parents of the child taken get to learn it all on the fly as it comes, leaving you constantly behind, unaware of your rights, and are stream lined through in an unfair process that leaves a parent already shaken and distraught in having their child removed from them which never gets taken into account, and as you go on you discover that you are falsely comforted and told things that are a blatant lie used as a means to minimize confrontation and disputes and to push the agenda of your case down the road as long as possible while keeping you at bay by keeping you emotionally, physically and mentally incapacitated. All done to ensuring you as a parent are in compliance with all required of you by the case plan created by your social worker, you’re your participation in your services and visitation schedule. Visitation is only available Monday-Friday while supervised visitation is required. Usually, the bare minimum of twice a week for 1-2 hours in which you are given a time for visitation between normal business hours of 8am-6pm during the weekdays and you may miss a visit if it falls on a state or federal holiday. As For those of us with jobs who work that is a huge hurdle to overcome to get time off not only for court hearings and proceeding, team meetings, cft and ftm meetings, social worker checks ins as is required, drug testing, and time to participate in the services of your case plan which is determined and decided by your social worker and their supervisor. In my case it included a substance abuse class, parenting class, anger management class, counseling sessions or therapy sessions and one on one meeting with each services appointed advocate who oversees and reports your progress to your social worker who then reviews your progress and class notes and recommendations which he or she does not have to accept or follow if it is not in the best interest of your child. Have I overwhelmed and blown your mind yet? It’s a lot to take in. Now I personally took a self-taught crash course to learn about the dependency scheme. This was due to lack of representation by my counsel over the duration of my case. I could not afford to hire an attorney, that and discovered it’s hard to find one to represent you as I found out, due to only 48 percent of children reunifying with their child and a 99 percent prosecution rate at TPR 366.26 trials. Attorneys get notoriety for winning cases, rarely do you win in the dependency scheme and it’s hard to take someone’s money when you know you are going to lose for the most part, which I get and understand, appreciating the honesty of those whose services I did try to obtain to represent me. I digress so please accept my apology. I write this as a father who last parental rights weee terminated as to my son, and I have made it my mission to educate and make sure that others who become part of this scheme know what they are up against and the steps taken by social services and its providers in the alienation of parents from their children and the huge undertaking and emotional and mental toll evoked when made part in this horrific scheme to deprive you of your child as a means of legal kidnapping and separation from your child as anyone can report child abuse anonymously and if investigated the possible outcome is the permanent loss of your child due to such allegations and investigation by cps, who technically are only part of your case for the investigation before handing it off to a contracted third party service provider to monitor and oversee your case. A third-party provider contracted to provide a service is not free, they are unit for profit and whether you choose to believe it or not the scheme is a means of turning your child into a means to make money and profit from failing parents in overcoming whatever reason other child was detained and without compensation available for reunification or a parent and their child the preference is always adoption. Why you ask is it this way, because they get money for it, read that again! They make money for doing so and ensure to maximize its earnings when it comes to detained children. Social services receive financial gain for your child from the moment a report is made to cps, and your life turned upside down without the right to to face your accuser, a violation of the 6th amendment and social workers can lie due to amnesty protection. Are afforded to rely on not just hear say, but third party hear say which is also hard enough to believe is used. There entire process is a lot to take in. Take it from a father who has been through this process and put countless hours in research and time and still finding ways the department railroaded my case and due to statutory limitations can do nothing to rectify or seek justice to remedy the wrongdoing of those involved with my case. The process of the dependency scheme is the most stressful, traumatizing, disgraceful, sickening and hurtful humiliating and overall disgusting process I’ve ever been through. I have served in the military, had to overcome countless obstacles and hardships throughout my life always overcoming and bettering myself from these obstacles. Yet the the loss of my son due to this scheme is by far the most tragic and morally degrading experience to have to be put through. Its very surreal as After your parental rights are terminated it’s just over, that’s it. An arranged visit ordered by the court you are allowed and get a final goodbye visit. County law enforcement is on hand and oversees with visit with social workers making sure you don’t run off with your child. Alotted an hour visit which was the hardest thing to have to ever do. Forced to say goodbye to my sweet smart intelligent handsome blue eyed little boy, by far the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do and it still affects me to this day as it has been over a year and an half since I’ve seen my son. Not a minute or day goes by I don’t miss and think about my son, who was taken from me in the most perverse and unjust manner that it has wounded me deeply in losing him to the system in which opinion of me I couldn’t change. I could do nothing to change the outcome and affected me greatly, for now the world as I see it has changed me forever. To sever the bond between a parent and a child is a hurt and pain that never goes away. Deemed unfit to care and raise my child and to be painted and cast in a way by social workers inaccurately. It still to this day leaves me to ponder how or why this happened to me as I never believed or thought in a million years, I would lose my son and have my rights terminated in preference of adoption. I had turned my whole life around, self employed as a contractor I run my own business. Became engaged as now to have a soon to be 16-year-old stepdaughter and 20-year-old stepson. A law-abiding productive member of society who fought for and served his country in the armed forces. Fought and overcame homelessness, clawing my way out to become self sufficient. Been told by many to be and overall good decent person who relentlessly helps others in need. Very undeserving of the punishment dealt to me in the loss of my one and only biological son to a scheme that did what it was designed to do and we as people allow it. Sad that no one knows about it until you are in it and a part of it, always kept in the dark and 10 steps behind. The obstacles and hurdles and hoops required of you to jump through in order to be afforded a chance to bring your child home a huge undertaking, all while emotionally and mentally reeling from being separated from your child. If you ask myself all the dependency scheme affords to that unfortunate enough to have had to go or be put through it is beyond words and comprehension as the after affects and grief felt from your loss of your child is one that I wish upon no one to have to feel or go through themselves. Sadly, at time I break down and cry as grief is like a wave, it comes over you swift and heavy and there nothing you can do but ride it out and hope it will get easier as time goes by, as for me it hasn’t but here is to hope. I do my damnedest to stay strong and move on from all of what’s taken place and happened but can’t help but break down and cry. So many things have been robbed of as the time has been taken away and cannot be returned. Just as many milestones and firsts have been missed and lost out on. To myself as a father there is nothing in this world in which compares to your biological child’s unconditional love and the joys and happiness they bring to your life. Their pure and unconditional innocent love shared between a parent and child is precious and irreplaceable. It’s what I as a person who has always wanted to be a father my whole entire life misses the most. It was My sons love of me his father and love given by myself his father which has been severed permanently. I miss everything about my son, his laugh, the time we used to get to spend together, taking time in educating playing and loving one another. My son is the best thing I have ever done in this life and is my mini me. He got all the best parts of me, and forever my heart remains with him as I pray for the day, I can see him once again. Every passing minute seems like an eternity with each passing of every day. I chose to share My story and knowledges obtained from going through this process with others as it is told with a pain no other parent should feel or go through and I pray this doesn’t fall on deaf ears, as many people don’t, refuse to, or won’t believe that such a system or scheme exists, and that what I share with you is factual or true.I encourage you to put in the time to do the research and verify it all for yourself. If you Follow the money, you’ll know more about this scheme than you’ll ever have wanted to learn as to the injustice and deceptive ways which a child is taken and farmed out and legally kidnapped. I cannot stress the importance of the need to stop or revamp a system everyone knows is broken yet do nothing to fix or correct what can only be interpreted as Evil, lacks ethics and integrity don’t entirely for profit. For myself as a person, a son, a father and veteran of the United States I leave you with this thought, what reason or benefit would I have or gain by sharing this with you, other than to prevent and educate others to stop it from happening to you and anyone who is dragged through the dependency process and has a child removed to the uphill battle before you if by chance you do one day become a party to the dependency scheme and it’s unfair and unconstitutional practices and process that it’s blatantly wrong. It’s all too familiar and known that the system is broken, yet because there is so much money involved as 40 billion dollars annually are designated, given and relied upon by judges, attorneys, court reporters, bailiffs, social workers and the list goes on and on. It’s no wonder that reunification failures have become the norm. as less than 10 percent of the 40 million dollar budget is spent on the reunification of a parent and child. Unfortunately the more time that goes by the greater the need or want to change or repair this system is met with resistance and set on the back burner. Many of those who have been inspired or been fueled by deciding to stand up against this scheme. Those that have tried to stop by exposing this process for what it really is. They sadly can’t be asked their opinions anymore. On account of the fact they are dead or missing. Seemingly eliminated for trying to do just and right. Say most paid for it with their lives silenced due to money and greed of others. Now I leave you with that thought. Now remember It’s a long painful journey and hope I’ve enlightened you and wish you the best in your fight and pray for an outcome that differs from mine. Please and thank you: Charles C Argust Support now Share this petitionSupport the petition "Cps and unconstitutional dependency inplimentation":
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Petition Timeline
- 2024 Mar 25
Petition initiated
- 2024 Mar 25
2024 Jun 25Signatures collected